A parsnip like plant which grows in sand near the sea. The red-coloured early shoots are split lengthways and placed in cold water until they curl. They are then eaten raw with sashimi and are used as a garnish. Later in the year it is blanched before use to remove the bitterness. It is related to water dropwort or seri and has a similar appearance except that the stems are red.
Grey mullet, the commonest and largest of the grey mullet (US: striped mullet) family. It is a silver, shoal-living fish pointed with dark grey which feeds on seaweed and plankton near the muddy bottom in estuaries and coastal waters. This can effect its flavour. However, a good grey mullet, caught in clean water, is round-bodied and has creamy white flesh and good flavour with good keeping capabilities. It must be thoroughly scaled before eating.They are used for sashimi only when extremely fresh. The roe of the female is made into karasumi, a Japanese version of botargo.