Japanese - Romaji


Terms in Japanese - Romaji 1051-1060 of 1079



Fried vegetables. A Chinese dish adopted in Japan.

yasai karasu uri


Ivy gourd. A small crunchy gourd reminiscent of a gherkin, green ripening to red, popular in the cuisines of India, Thailand, Indonesia and other South East Asian countries. The shoots and leaves can also be eaten.

yasai no kurïm-süp


Soup, cream of vegetables.



A special pot used for simmering and gripped with a pair of tongs called yattoko. It should have a lid, called otoshi-buta, slightly smaller than the pot, allowing it to rest on the foods, ensuring that they are submerged in the cooking liquid and stay in one position, reducing the risk of them falling apart.




yoheiji take


Russula integra. A good edible mushroom with pinkish brown colour.



Soft, sweet bean paste.



Doctorfish. Found in the Atlantic from Massachusetts to Brazil and in the northern Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, where it is most often eaten. It is a dark, often blue-grey to dark brown, but can change its colour and lighten considerably. This will depend on its habitat, being darker nearer reefs and paler over sandy bottoms. It has a sharp, scalpel like spine located on either side of the body on the caudal peduncle. The teeth, which can be seen in this photograph, are spatula-like in shapea dn are used for scraping algae off the rocks. They reach up 20 30 cm (12") in length. The flesh is of good quality but, if the fish have been feeding from dead corals or algae there is a faint possibility of some slight and temporary poisoning to the person who consumes the fish.



Fish and vegetables cooked in a pot at the table.


