Jack fruit. The fruits can be enormous, up to 1 meter (3 ft) in length and weigh as much as 100 lb (45 kg). For this reason they are most often sold ready cut, in sections. The colour of the flesh varies with the variety, and can be anything from yellow to pink. They grow in the Western Ghats range of mountains. When the fruits are immature, they provide a starchy vegetable which needs to be cooked. When ripe, they are sweet, with a strong flavour. The section should be set on a board and the thickened heart cut out. This means cutting it across ways, about half way down, below the internal stem.The flesh can then be pulled away in hunks enclosing seeds. The seeds can be peeled and cooked and have a flavour of chestnuts. The hunks of flesh which held the seeds can be stuffed with sweet fillings. In appearance they are light green, ripening to yellow brown, and covered in hard, knobbly spines.
A squiggly fritter consisting of threads and spirals of flour, milk powder and yoghurt batter, deep-fried and served, either hot or cold, in syrup.
Yeast used to prepare jalebis. A dessert consisting of threads and spirals of flour, milk powder and yoghurt batter, deep-fried and served, either hot or cold, in syrup.
A westernised Indian spiced salad containing prawns (IUS: shrimp) and scallops with grapes and rocket.
Jambu is a name given to many juicy, thirst-quenching fruits. They have diverse appearances and differ in size. The most commonly available is the bright red wax jambu or water roseapple. The variety with the most flavour is about the size of an apple, white with a pink blush on the riper side. The flesh is also white and slightly sweet.