Chirongi nuts. They are similar to pine nuts and are small, rounded nuts resembling Egyptian lentils. They are used in India to garnish halvas, cakes and creams and in puddings and pillaos.
Jambu is a name given to many juicy, thirst-quenching fruits. They have diverse appearances and differ in size. The most commonly available is the bright red wax jambu or water roseapple. The variety with the most flavour is about the size of an apple, white with a pink blush on the riper side. The flesh is also white and slightly sweet.
A fish very similar to the anchovy. Sometimes used to describe dried fish. These are marine fish not longer than 20 cm (8 inches) with a greenish-blue back and silver sides.
Clarified butter. Ghee can be made at home simply by keeping butter on a very low heat for a few hours until the water evaporates. The melted butter will keep indefinitely, will not change colour on use and can be re-used many times without changing its character.