Veal cooked in velouté mixed with egg yolks to bind it. Towards the end of the cooking process, butter and macaroni are added. It is served with grated cheese.
A name for Baldwin. A variety of mottled, medium to large, yellow eating apple streaked with dark red and crimson which was found by Mr John Ball on a farm in Lowell, Wilmington in Massachusetts some time around 1740. It was named Pecker or Woodpecker and then renamed in the early in the 1800s. It is a crisp apple with a slightly tart flavour and having a tough skin and yellowish-white flesh. It is a late-season apple, which is picked from mid-October in South-East England is stored and is at its best from December to April. In the United States it is picked in September in warm regions and until November in colder. Baldwin was an extremely popular apple until several million trees were killed off in the severe winter of 1918.
Chinese bellfower. A plant of the Campanula family indigenous to South East Asia. In Korea, where the root, either dried or fresh, is often used in salads, gimchi and the like, it is more commonly found with white bells than with the blue bells found elsewhere.
Balsam apple. A small, cylindrical, knobbly, dark green vegetable of the gourd family with red flesh and a very bitter flavour. It lightens and turns yellow as it ripens. The bitterness can be reduced by salting before cooking or using in salads.