

Terms in Dutch 411-420 of 1422

echte dooierzwam

[Dutch] plural echte dooierzwammen

Chanterelle mushroom, usually sautéed in butter with chopped onions.

echte honingzwam

[Dutch] plural echte honingzwammen

Honey fungus. They should always be well cooked.

echte Judasoor


Judas's ear fungus, often found dried. Dried or fresh they should not be fried, as they explode, but stewed with other ingredients.



An ancient, semihard, supple ball-shaped cheese made from semi-skimmed cow's milk. It is salted, ripened and coated with shiny red wax and is a very mild cheese whose main characteristics are that it is relatively low fat (25%) and easy to slice. The French started making their own Edam when the Dutch formed an alliance with England in 1670.

Edammer (Noord-Hollandse)


A cheese (PDO)


[Dutch] plural eekhoorntjesbroden

Black boletus mushroom. Excellent to eat from August to October whether raw in salads or cooked or preserved and also freezes well.


[Dutch] plural eekhoorntjesbroden

Boletus, cep or porcini mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.


[Dutch] plural eekhoorntjesbroden

Summer cep or bolete mushroom. A round, brown-capped mushroom with nutty flavour.


[Dutch] plural eenden


eetbare paddestoel

[Dutch] plural eetbaren paddestoelen

Cultivated mushroom