

Terms in Dutch 171-180 of 1422


[Dutch] plural beekforellen

Brook trout or char. A freshwater fish which may sometimes travel to the sea and with many similarities to trout.r than trout.



Brooklime. An edible veronica which grows in bogs.



Bear. Although this is not eaten in Holland it may be useful to people to know how it translates in case they are trying to find the name of 'bear' in another language.



The national drink of Friesland, according to the Dutch, now partly in Germany, partly in the Netherlands. It is made from 15 herbs, including violet roots, angelica roots, gentian and bay leaves. A mint-flavoured version called Friesengeist is the ‘national drink’ in the German portion.


[Dutch] plural beetwortelen

Beetroot (US: beets)

bekende paddestoel

[Dutch] plural bekende paddestoelen

Large white field mushroom, with a cap anything from 5 (2") to 15 cm (6") in diameter.

belegd bol


A roll with a variety of garnishes.

belegd broodje

[Dutch] plural belegd broodjess

A roll with a variety of garnishes.



Aged. Mature. Refined, Developed. This can mean ripe, aged or seasoned in reference to cheese, wine or meats. It means mature when used in a complimentary way but be cautious as it can also mean stale.

Belle van Boskoop

/bell duh BOS-koop/

A large, irregular and asymmetrical, all-purpose, Dutch apple discovered in 1856 by KJW Ottolander and which was first introduced commercially in the United Kingdom in the 1920s. This outstanding apple has rough, matt, yellowish-green skin, russeted with greyish dark red blush. It has firm, creamy yellow flesh with sharp flavour and is good for tarts and charlottes as it retains its shape during cooking. It is a late-season variety, picked from early October in South-East England, is stored and is at its best between October and April. It retains its shape on cooking so is good in pies and tarts, but also makes good purée.