

Terms in Dutch 1401-1410 of 1422

zomer spinazie


Summer spinach



Garganey or summer teal. A small European duck having a conspicuous white stripe over each eye and down the back of the head in the male. It is found in northern Italy.


[Dutch] plural zondagen



[Dutch] plural zonnevissen

John Dory. A high quality, plump, flattish fish with a golden sheen, with an ugly but amiable face. It was first associated with Zeus, then with St Peter, as evidenced by the ‘finger marks’ left by him when he picked it up to remove a coin from its mouth to pay some taxes.




zoute haring


Salted herring

zuckerhut cichorei


Pan di Zucchero (Sugarloaf). A cabbage-like variety of endive (US: chicory) with rather upright, green lobed leaves and self blanching heart inside a long, tight head. It is widely used in Italy.


[Dutch] plural zuivelprodukten

Dairy products



Veal brawn

zure room


Soured cream (US: cultured sour cream) or crème fraîche. Thick, slightly soured cream which has the great advantage of not separating when it is boiled. It is available in low fat forms which remain good consistency, both cooked and uncooked. It is made from cream curdled by the addition of bacteria and can be made at home by adding buttermilk or yoghurt to double cream (US: heavy cream), heating to 35ºC (90ºfahrenheit) and letting stand at room temperature until thickened.