

Terms in Danish 1031-1040 of 1524


[Danish] plural østershatte

Oyster mushroom



Baltic herring. A small variety of herring found in the Baltic Sea.

østersøsild røget


Smoked Baltic herrring

Othello lagkake


"Othello layer cake." This is an extremely rich layer cake spread with custard cream, topped with a macaroon layer, more custard cream and another layer of sponge, often with a layer of marzipan over the top and then iced luxuriously.

ottearmet (blæksprutte)



overskårne æg


The same as oeufs mollet. Boiled for about 5 minutes so that they are still soft, cooled under running water and peeled.

over wandband


Cooked in a bain-Marie or water bath - a container of warm water in which smaller pot(s) rest to provide slow, even cooking, protecting the extremities from over colouring. Ideal for sauces and custards or for keeping food hot. Au bain-Marie refers to food which has been so cooked. This is apparently named after Moses' sister, Mary, who was a chemist or after the Virgin Mary.

ovnstegte sild


Braised herring


[Danish] plural pæren


pak choi


Bok choy