

Terms in Croatian 31-40 of 150



Iceberg lettuce





[Croatian] plural gljive

Mushrooms - a general term.

golema puhara


Giant puffball. An edible mushroom which slices almost like bread. Use only the smaller ones and they should be heavy and firm. If they are light in weight than they have dried up. Always cut them open from top to bottom with a sharp knife to check the interior

hajdinski vrganj


Black boletus mushroom. Excellent to eat from August to October whether raw in salads or cooked or preserved and also freezes well.






Black poplar mushroom. Good in risotti or sauces.

jelova rujnica


A variety of mushroom similar to the saffron milk cap. Associated with spruce trees, it remains a pure orange. It is collected from the end of summer to autumn exclusively from silver fir (Abies alba) forests and commonly eaten.



Hedgehog fungus. Cream-coloured mushrooms, excellent to eat, easily found in woods from late summer to late autumn (US: fall). They have a sort of downy white stem leading up to a cap which is centrally depressed and under which are masses of little spines, giving the mushroom its English name. It is quite a good mushroom to collect as it is easily distinguished from other mushrooms, is a relative of the chanterelle, and, like it, has good flavour and good retention of texture on long cooking.

judino uho


Judas's ear fungus, often found dried. Dried or fresh they should not be fried, as they explode, but stewed with other ingredients.