

Terms in Brazilian 1-7 of 7


[Brazilian] plural berinjelas

Aubergine (US: eggplant)


[Brazilian] plural brinjelas

Aubergine (US: eggplant)


[Brazilian] plural gilós

A name in Brazil for a plant similar to the African aubergine and treated in the same way.


[Brazilian] plural jilós

A name in Brazil for a plant similar to the African aubergine and treated in the same way.


[Brazilian] plural jiloeiros

A name in Brazil for a plant similar to the African aubergine and treated in the same way.



A large shrub or tree producing edible fruits, and growing prolifically from southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil. The fruits may be eaten raw or cooked as a sweet dessert or included in soups and stuffings or made into crystallised fruits and liqueurs.



A large shrub or tree producing edible fruits, and growing prolifically from southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil. The fruits may be eaten raw or cooked as a sweet dessert or included in soups and stuffings or made into crystallised fruits and liqueurs.