A succulent, leafy vegetable with a slightly astringent flavour. For some reason, considered to be non-vegetarian.
Small cyprinids, related to minnows, usually spotted, and living in rivers and brackish waters. In Bangladesh these are like to be eaten.
Barb. A freshwater or brackish water fish related to the minnow, growing no longer than 10 cm (4") . It is found in the Mekong, Irawaddy and other rivers of Nepal, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. It is mainly an aquarium fish but is eaten in Bangladesh where it may be put into earthenware pots with mustard oil, sealed and buried until they become an oily fish paste like a pencil. Small pieces may be taken and fried with dill, or served as a relish with rice or added to fish stew.