
[Spanish] plural means “farewell to meat” in Latin, signifying the period between Twelfth Night and Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras Day) before earthly pleasures like the consumption of meat are abandoned during Lent.

Grilled meat, generally beef but also chicken or pork, eaten in Latin American countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Uruguay. It may describe a mixed grill including steak and sausages and served with a hot sauce. The word is Spanish or Portuguese.  A churrascaria is a restaurant serving grilled meat, in which the waiters move around replenishing the diner’s plate with more and more meat on skewers.  Frequently consumed during Carnival in Brazil.  Carne Vale means “farewell to meat” in Latin, signifying the period between Twelfth Night and Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras Day) before earthly pleasures like the consumption of meat are abandoned during Lent.

Lexicogropher: Jennifer Edwards
