

Terms in Piedmontese 11-20 of 82

bolè caréi

/boh-LEH kah-REH-ee/

A name in Piedmont for the boletus, cep or porcino mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.

bolè dl'istà

/boh-LEH dee-STAH/

A name in Piedmont for the summer cep or bolete mushroom. A round, brown-capped mushroom with nutty flavour.

bole porchin

/boh-LEH POHR-cheen/

A name in Piedmont for the boletus, cep or porcino mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.

bolè real

/boh-LEH reh-AHL/

A name in Piedmont for the Caesar's mushroom. Excellent raw in salads or grilled, stuffed or used as a garnish.

borei bianc

/boh-REH-ee byank/

A name in Piedmont for the St George's mushroom. A small white or cream mushroom that appears in parts of Europe around St George's Day on 23rd April.

borei cocon

/boh-REH-ee koh-KOHN/

A name in Piedmont for the Caesar's mushroom. Excellent raw in salads or grilled, stuffed or used as a garnish.

borei giaun

/boh-REH-ee jyah-OON/

A name in Piedmont for the Caesar's mushroom. Excellent raw in salads or grilled, stuffed or used as a garnish.



A name in Piedmont for the honey fungus. They should always be well cooked.



A name in Piedmont for the boletus, cep or porcino mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.



A name in Piedmont for the boletus, cep or porcino mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.