Dogfish, also known as the rough hound (US: small cat). Slightly better eating than the nurse-hound.
Dogfish, also known as the rough hound (US: small cat). Slightly better eating than the nurse-hound.
Spurdog - a type of small shark or dogfish, said to make the best eating of all the dogfish. Also known as rock salmon. It is useful for its medium oily white flesh and is generally versatile. It grows 2-3 metres in length.
Dogfish, also known as the rough hound (US: small cat). Slightly better eating than the nurse-hound.
Porbeagle or mackerel shark. A member of the shark family common in the Atlantic. It grows to 4 meters (13 ft) in length. It has good flavour and texture and is grilled in the form of steaks.
Blackmouth cat shark. A catshark found from Iceland to the Mediterranean. It has bold blotches on its body.