False morel mushrooms. They are deadly poisonous if not cooked, closely resembling real morel mushrooms, being wrinkled and brown in the same way. However, morel mushrooms are symmetrical while false morels are irregular in shape and look like a brown brain, while true morels are more like a sponge. True morels have hollow stems while those of false morels are solid. Be careful to check each of these features before attempting to eat one. They have a fine flavour and are generally parboiled. They are popular in Nordic countries and in Finland especially.
Greenland halibut (US: Greenland turbot). A flatfish found in the deep waters of the North Atlantic. The skin is dark grey or brown. It is often smoked as it has dense, oily flesh.
Turin is the anglicised name for Torino, a province and capital town of Piedmont, a region in the extreme north west of Italy.
The interesting thing about the turkey is that, in many countries, it is named after some exotic land but in no case is it the right one, as the turkey is thought to have originated in Mexico. The Portuguese do best with perĂº, but the French with dinde (D'Inde, of India) are way out, as are we with turkey.