

Terms in English 91-100 of 8494

African locust bean

[English] plural African locust beans

African locust beans are the fermented seeds of the African locust tree or, on occasion, sesame seeds. A traditional condiment in Congo, Ghana and Nigeria with a smell of rotting cheese.

African oil palm

[English] plural African oil palms

A palm, the red fruit of which yields a yellow-coloured oil used for cooking.

African pepper


Guinea pepper. A spice from Africa sometimes used as a mild pepper substitute and with a flavour slightly reminiscent of cardamon. The pods are crushed and added whole to soups or stews, then removed before serving any food.

African sharptooth catfish


The African sharptooth catfish is an introduction which has done well in Bangladeshi waters.

African snub chile

[English] plural African snub chiles

A variety of chilli from Kenya similar to a jalapeño, measuring around 5 cm long by 2.5 cm wide.

African spinach


Callaloo. A generic name given to large green leafy tops of the taro and malanga families of edible tubers which include dasheen, eddo and tannia or coco yam as well as callalloo, elephant’s ear, African/Chinese/Indian spinach, Surinam amaranth, etc., any of which may be used in a West Indian soup called callaloo. It is treated in the same way as spinach, while in Africa it is made into a soup with milk, okra, salt pork, spices and coconut milk. It is often stewed in oil with spices.



Afrikaans/Cape Malaysian




After means later than or beyond.

After Dinner (blend or roast)


A dark roast blend of Santos and Costa Rica beans, strong and full-bodied.