Kunafah. Batter is dripped in a thin stream onto a turning hotplate so that it cookes into long strands, rather like shredded wheat. These are then gathered together and spread with soft cheese and then rolled. The cooking is finsihed with a thick syrup of sugar and rose water and they are then sprinkled with chopped pistachios.
Smooth hound. A type of dogfish, a large, long, thin marine fish with brown skin and very prominent fins, usually eaten as steaks. The fish should be skinned before it is cooked.
Batter is dripped in a thin stream onto a turning hotplate so that it cooks into long strands, rather like shredded wheat. These are then gathered together and spread with soft cheese and then rolled. The cooking is finsihed with a thick syrup of sugar and rose water and they are then sprinkled with chopped pistachios.